You like reading Wattpad stories and sometime want to highlight or even copy text on Wattpad. To copy and paste from Wattpad stories, you highlight, right-click, and copy as you normally would, as with any digital document, however, there is only “Share” option. That’s because Wattpad makes it pretty difficult to copy text. Does this mean there is no way to copy text from Wattpad? No, there are still different ways you can fulfill this task:
The Wattpad simplely won’t let you copy texts. But if you switch to reading the story using the phone mode, things will be much easier. Follow the steps below to copy text from Wattpad:
Step 1. Find the Wattpad books you want to copy text from and just read it.
Step 2. In the reading mode, check the link url and you’ll see some numbers before the chapter name as below.
Step 3. To enable the phone mode, just replace the # in with the numbers you find in the above step.
For the above story, the final link should be:
Step 4. Copy the link to your browser and press “Enter”. You will be in the phone mode and be able to copy the text freely.
Method 2. Copy text from Wattpad by disabling Website Javascript
Usually, when you right click the webpages, you are able to save the webpages to html, but you cannot do this on Wattpad. After wrestling with the issue a bit, I discovered a work-around.
Step 1. Open google chrome, click the three dots and then “Settings”.
Step 2. On “Privacy and security”, click “Site settings” and then scroll down to “Content” option.
Step 3. Click “JavaScript”.
Step 4. On Javascript, Click “Don’t allow sites to use JavaScript”.
Step 5. Refresh wattpad, right click and then “Inspect”.
Step 6. Then you can copy and past the text in this page.
REMINDER: You have to click “Sites can use JavaScript” after you’re done copying to Navigate through Wattpad.
Using the above two methods, you are able to copy some pages at a time. If you want to copy large content from Wattoad, you can easily export Wattpad to epub or pdf.
Method 3. A much easier way to copy text from wattpad story–download wattpad to pdf or epub
iSummersoft Wattpad Downloader helps you download and convert Wattpad stories to pdf or epub easily. It’s good stuff but a paid tool with free trial version.
Make sure you’ve addes the Wattpad stories to your library or reading list before downloading them.
Step 1. Downloader and install iSummersoft Wattpad Downlaoder.
Step 2. Launch Wattpad Downloader, and click on “Log in” button in the left panel and input your Wattpad credentials. Give it a few seconds, it will display all your wattpad library.
Step 3. Drag the books to the right panel and click “Convert to pdf” or “convert to epub” button to download wattpad stories.
Step 4. Open your downloaded epub or pad on your computer so that you can copy any text or pages as you wish.
There are three methods to copy text from Wattpad. If you know of other ways to copy text from Wattpad ebooks, please let me know. I love to hear better and faster ways of getting tasks accomplished.
How to Copy Text from Wattpad
You like reading Wattpad stories and sometime want to highlight or even copy text on Wattpad. To copy and paste from Wattpad stories, you highlight, right-click, and copy as you normally would, as with any digital document, however, there is only “Share” option. That’s because Wattpad makes it pretty difficult to copy text. Does this mean there is no way to copy text from Wattpad? No, there are still different ways you can fulfill this task:
Method 1. Copy text from Wattpad using phone mode
The Wattpad simplely won’t let you copy texts. But if you switch to reading the story using the phone mode, things will be much easier. Follow the steps below to copy text from Wattpad:
Step 1. Find the Wattpad books you want to copy text from and just read it.
Step 2. In the reading mode, check the link url and you’ll see some numbers before the chapter name as below.
Step 3. To enable the phone mode, just replace the # in with the numbers you find in the above step.
For the above story, the final link should be:
Step 4. Copy the link to your browser and press “Enter”. You will be in the phone mode and be able to copy the text freely.
Method 2. Copy text from Wattpad by disabling Website Javascript
Usually, when you right click the webpages, you are able to save the webpages to html, but you cannot do this on Wattpad. After wrestling with the issue a bit, I discovered a work-around.
Step 1. Open google chrome, click the three dots and then “Settings”.
Step 2. On “Privacy and security”, click “Site settings” and then scroll down to “Content” option.
Step 3. Click “JavaScript”.
Step 4. On Javascript, Click “Don’t allow sites to use JavaScript”.
Step 5. Refresh wattpad, right click and then “Inspect”.
Step 6. Then you can copy and past the text in this page.
REMINDER: You have to click “Sites can use JavaScript” after you’re done
copying to Navigate through Wattpad.
Using the above two methods, you are able to copy some pages at a time. If you want to copy large content from Wattoad, you can easily export Wattpad to epub or pdf.
Method 3. A much easier way to copy text from wattpad story–download wattpad to pdf or epub
iSummersoft Wattpad Downloader helps you download and convert Wattpad stories to pdf or epub easily. It’s good stuff but a paid tool with free trial version.
Make sure you’ve addes the Wattpad stories to your library or reading list before downloading them.
Step 1. Downloader and install iSummersoft Wattpad Downlaoder.
Step 2. Launch Wattpad Downloader, and click on “Log in” button in the left panel and input your Wattpad credentials. Give it a few seconds, it will display all your wattpad library.
Step 3. Drag the books to the right panel and click “Convert to pdf” or “convert to epub” button to download wattpad stories.
Step 4. Open your downloaded epub or pad on your computer so that you can copy any text or pages as you wish.
There are three methods to copy text from Wattpad. If you know of other ways to copy text from Wattpad ebooks, please let me know. I love to hear better and faster ways of getting tasks accomplished.
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